Registration Process for 2023-24 Dance Season (Aug-June) In order to register for the 2024-2025 Dance Season, your current/past JDA account must be paid in full. At the time of registration, a $45.00 per dancer yearly registration and first month's tuition is due. Our studio accepts cash, check, debit, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover as forms of payment. Autopay for Tuition/Fees/Merchandise is preferred. Tuition is due the first class of each month. If payment is received after the 10th of the month, there will be a late charge of $35.00. Tuition autopay payments will be processed on the 5th of each month. Tuition is an annual fee divided into equal monthly payments. The monthly fee will not be prorated but remain the same (August-June) regardless of holidays or weeks in a given month. Tuition is non-refundable, but make-up classes are encouraged. Accounts deliquent of 2 months will result in suspension of dance priviledges. Withdrawal from classes must be done via email. Classes with less than 6 students may be cancelled or combined with another class. - There is a $35.00 fee for returned checks or declined charges.
- Our annual recital is held in June at the end of the dance year. Participation is encouraged but not required. There are 2 fees associated with recital, a Costume Fee and a Recital Production Fee. More information about recital is announced during the Dance Season.
- It is the responsibility of the parent or adult student to be aware of all dance activities such as Christmas Party Week, extra rehearsals, Recitals, etc. as well as dates that we are open or closed. We email all such notices to families as well as post on the bulletin board in the lobby and on social media.
- Please check our website for immediate notice of studio information, such as Holidays, studio closures due to extreme weather, etc.
Please... Only dancers should be in the studio during class. During the first few weeks of class, parents may come into the classroom to encourage their dancers if need be, but once the dancers are comfortable, please enjoy watching your children from the comfort of our lobby. Both studios have full color, high definition cameras, which are streaming live video to the two flat panel televisions hanging in our lobby.
Dance class requires certain clothes for freedom of movement. This includes a leotard, tights, and appropriate dance shoes. 